TEPF = means “Tax Exempt Private Foundation or Trust” which lives for 80 years and renewable.
TEPF lives on  Donations, from legal entities like your OSC or natural persons.
TEPF is made up of a Founder, Trustees and Beneficiaries. When the TEPF grants funds to beneficiaries, they may be taxable, pending circumstances, age and Taxation Laws at their place of their  residence . We can advise further on this.
OSC = means “Off Shore Company”.  OSC pays Govt Fees annually (max. USD$2Kpa) no filing of Books of Accounts  required.
OSB = means “Off Shore Bank”. Deferent bank for each entity


Option B is the same as Option A, except for your existing business is not included in Option B, should you wish to keep that separate from your SafeESTATE off shore.


NOTE: We understand that you may not be sure of which Option that suits you or your enterprise but after discussion with us this Option may be changed for your betterment. But, for now, we do need to have your decision of what you feel is best for you please.




CIRCUMSTANCES FOR ANONYMITY:  Persons who are Film Stars or celebrities, Famous for being Wealthy, or people who are famous for any legitimate reason, or have good and legitimate reasons for privacy to need to use a Professional Nominee.

ANNONYMITY WORKs LIKE THIS:  Our firm have a list of Professional Nominees on standby and we have a “One Pager”, or a brief background, on each of them.  We submit these One Pager’s, with their photo included, to our SafeESTATE “Deposit Paid” Clients to select those to be interviewed (Cam or in person). Their rates start from around  USD$2000. per month only, but remuneration is negotiated between our client and their selected Nominee(s) directly. These are reputable people, like ex Judges, ex Law Enforcement, retired corporate persons, Ex Govt personnel or Professional Persons etc. When selected and terms are agreed, a Contract is signed  between you and your Nominee, that is prepared by us. There is also a Declaration of Allegiance  wherein they swear allegiance and confidentiality to you, our client.

HOW ABOUT THE LEGITIMACY OF THIS ? All Natural Persons own the free right to be the Donor of their rights, or part of their rights,  to another person or a Donee since the year 1768 to present . The Concise Oxford Dictionary, defines a Nominee as a person in whose name title to real estate or ownership of stock is held but who is not the actual proprietor or holder.” The Queen of England  own parts of London and elsewhere, yet  Royal Family names  do not  appear on any title, deed or official record as Professional Nominees are used. Thus, the Answer to the question of Legality is you have a solemn right to use Nominees, so long as you or your Nominee do not delve into Criminality.

Please select your choice,

I Select(Required)

Dear Client, whichever your selection, its still open for Discussion & finalization

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